
GYMENIST Wrist Weights Running Stylish Bracelet Pair of Weights Set of 2 Review

4 out of 5
17 Mar 2020
GYMENIST Wrist Weights Running Stylish Bracelet Pair of Weights Set of 2
gymenist wrist weights running stylish bracelet pair of weights set of 2
4 out of 5
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Looking for a high quality wrist weight? The Gymenist Wrist Weights Running Stylish Bracelet Pair Of Weights Set of 2 may have what you desire. This review will have a look at the price, popularity and score of this product, so that you can make a well informed decision before purchasing. We think it's also a good idea to also have a look at the customer reviews, so that you can get a good idea about what other people have to say about the product.


This product is amongst the most popular wrist weights. Our data shows that it's more popular than many of wrist weights in the same category that we have in our database. If you check out the user reviews, you can get a good set of opinions on this product before you buy.

Comparison Table

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Editor Rating:
4 out of 5
4.7 out of 5
4.3 out of 5
  • Pair of Gymenist wrist weights, Just slide it onto your hands and you are ready to go
  • Ideal equipment for all kinds of training, running, cardio, boxing classes, jogging
  • Durable and convenient to use, comes in very light weights, only up to 1.5 LB
  • Stylish bracelet wieghts, its the smallest wrist weights you will find, it doesn't have any straps or anything around it
  • Pair of wearable weights that adjust from 1-1.5Lbs
  • Slim-fit design conforms to body and can even be hidden under clothes
  • Add resistance to multiple workout activities
  • Lightweight, breathable Nylon sleeve
  • Adjustable closure for a secure fit
  • Moderate resistive device for ankles or wrists. Sold in pairs.
  • Great when used with water running belts and swim belts. Can be used to suspend ankles, legs, wrists and arms during aquatic rehabilitation. Latex free.
  • Closed cell foam cuffs with Velcro closure. Easy to put on and take off.
  • See small thumbnail image above for a few exercise ideas. The closed cell foam will not chip, break, crack or absorb water.
  • Size: 7" x 4" x 2"
Size:3 lbsMedium
Sales Rank:
Lower means more popular

User Reviews

You can see the detailed list of user opinions by clicking here. Below you will find some small excerpts taken from the editorial review for this product:

These wrist weights are suitable for all kinds of indoor and outdoor activities, aerobic exercises.They make your movements more stable and do not cause any discomfort while training. One size Fits average size hand / wrist, suitable both for men and women to use. Convenient and practical in use th... show full review


Our data shows that GYMENIST has produced several wrist weights. Our average rating for this brand is 4.7 out of 5. That's based upon 5 total wrist weights. Compared to other brands, GYMENIST ranks number 22 out of 121. GYMENIST have several other well known weights, such as these:

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A 4 out of 5 rating means the Gymenist Wrist Weights Running Stylish Bracelet Pair Of Weights Set of 2 is definitely worth taking a look at. Need more details on this item? The customer reviews at Amazon are surely worthy of taking a look at. This product has been given a reasonably high rating, though it's always best if you look at what others are saying regarding it. If you wish for the very best discounts on selling prices and delivery fees then is the place to search.
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